CM125: "Working While Distracted?" - CounterMentors

CM125: “Working While Distracted?”

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Distractions are a HUGE contributor to performance loss in the workplace (wait until you hear the number!). How many of your employees are “working while distracted”? We went off about Millennials and their cell phones in Episode 21, “Get Off Your Cell Phone,” but there are many more distractions to be aware of – even some that affect Boomers! Once you figure out how much you’re losing as a result of the deadly disease called “working while distracted,” you may decide to make a change or two.

This week, we are joined by “Distraction Expert” Curt Steinhorst (, whose work is focused on this singular problem. Join Kelly and Robby in a conversation with Curt to find out more about distractions in the workplace and their impact on performance.

Show Notes:

“If a person gave away your body to some passerby, you’d be furious. Yet, you hand over your mind to anyone
who comes along, so they may abuse you, leaving it disturbed and troubled — have you no shame in that?”

  1. Workplace Distractions: Here’s Why You Won’t Finish This Article.” (Wall Street Journal)
  2. 10 Distractions That Kill Workplace Productivity.” (Business News Daily)
  3. Keep it Down: Employees Rank Workplace Distractions as Biggest Beef.” (Small Business Trends)