CM112: "The New, Millennial Approved Workplace" - CounterMentors

CM112: “The New, Millennial Approved Workplace”

This week on CounterMentors our guest is David Burkus, author of Under New Management: How Leading Organizations Are Upending Business As Usual.  David’s book introduces a number of new workplace practices — some that are radically different. Traditional approaches to things like compensation, annual performance reviews, vacation policy — even managers — are being challenged every day.

Do Millennials approve?

Join Robby and Kelly as they discuss the modern workplace and how it seems to be constantly evolving. Find out which ones work, which ones don’t, and which ones you should be considering for your company right now. If you want Millennials to stick around, that is.


Show Notes:

“The brain is a wonderful organ; it starts working the moment you
get up in the morning and does not stop until you get into the office.”
Robert Frost

  1. Under New Management” by David Burkus (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt). Published March 15, 2016.
  2. Millennials Want Jobs to Be Development Opportunities.” Amy Adkins and J. Brandon Rigoni.G allup (June 2016).
  3. Managers: Millennials Want Feedback But Won’t Ask For It.”  Amy Adkins and J. Brandon Rigoni. Gallup (June 2016).
  4. What Do Millennials Really Want at Work? The Same Thing as the Rest of Us.” Bruce N. Pfau. HBR (April 2016).


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