CM105: "Your Worthless MBA"

CM105: “Your Worthless MBA”

This week we invite author and comedian, Paul Ollinger, in to talk about the value of an MBA — which is perfect timing, since Robby is finishing up his MBA at Boston University this week!

Paul, the author of “You Should TOTALLY Get an MBA,” describes himself as a graduate of Dartmouth’s Tuck School of Business (yup, he has an MBA), one of the first 250 Facebook employees (we want to find out how much stock he got, and if the MBA helped), a former awesome VP of sales (self-deprecation is his strong suit), a stand-up comic, and the best(ish) business speaker ever (well, we have to admit, he is freaking funny).

Join RobbyKelly and Paul for a lively discussion about why you should – or should NOT – get an MBA.

Show Notes:

“A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car;
but if he has a university education, he may steal the whole railroad.”
Theodore Roosevelt

  1. You Should Totally Get an MBA: A Comedian’s Guide to Top US Business Schools” by Paul Ollinger (April 2016)

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